I love lentils and am always looking for new recipes. They are inexpensive, easy to prepare, high in protein and loaded with minerals and vitamins.
This is my variation on of the Lemony Lentil Salad from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.
1 cup dried lentils
1 bay leaf
2 cloves garlic (smashed but whole)
3 lemons
2 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 tomatos
1/2 onion
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch mint leaves
salt & pepper
1 cup cooked brown rice (optional)
1. Put the lentils in a medium pot and cover with water by 1 inch. Add the bay leaf and garlic. Cover and simmer until just tender but not burst, about 20 min., occasionaly checking to make sure there is enough water.
2. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, and add finely chopped segmants from 1 lemon (peel and cut away membrane, being careful to remove seeds) into large bowl. Add olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Drain whatever water remains from the lentils, discard bay leaf and garlic, and stir them into the dressing while still hot. Allow to slightly cool.
3. In a food processor, chop the tomatos and add to lentils. Chop the onions and add to lentils. Then chop parsley and mint and add to lentils. Let rest and stir occasionally to distribute dressing. Taste and season if necessary.
Optional: add rice 1 cup of cooked brown rice.
This is great as leftovers but should be brought to room temperature for best flavor.
I'm so impressed by your pictures, Beck! Also, where do you buy your herbs? I hate buying fresh herbs in the winter b/c they are so dang expensive! $2.99 for a little bunch. Blah. Am I just being cheap?
They sell them at harvestime for much cheaper. And large bunches... idk...
Ha that picture isn't mine. Mom pressure me.
Maybe TJ's has cheaper herbs Leah. I brought in my basil, mint, oregano & rosemary. The are all still living and usable. Not sure if the basil is gonna make it all winter. Anyhow, herbs can go in a sunny south window in the winter and it helps with the convenience and expense. I don't know if it's possible to grow parsley all year. Mine always dies by mid or end of Aug. :(
I just made this to bring to the McElroys tonight. Yum, yum!
Oh and I used 2x's the amount of lentils and it was still juicy!
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