Monday, March 1, 2010

GMO threatens organic food supply

I logged on this morning with this article to share, wondering if it was ok to not post a recipe. Thanks for paving the way Richard.

In general, I am not a fan of "sign this petition to alert the government." You need to be a registered voter in the politicians district for them to care what you think. This goes to the USDA--I'm not sure how much they care about this sort of thing, but it's also worth being aware of what is happening.


Rebecca Staton said...

I'm a little confused about the definition of contamination. The alfalfa will contanimate natural seeds with genetically engineered dna?

Karin said...

It's a mixture of problems: bees will cross polinate and the seeds will blown or be carried by birds and grow in conventional fields. Plants grow all over the place where they aren't specifically cultivated--as a home gardener you call the appealing ones volunteers and the ones you don't want weeds.

Here's another article that explains the situation a bit better:

Sally said...

Thanks Karen! I followed the link to the Seattle paper and read some things there. It's all very interesting what is happening to our food. Becky I think we need to see Food, Inc. One of the gals at work just watched it and it sounds like they get into the whole Monsanto problem. The next time one of us is at Whole Foods we should look for it and buy it.